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After taking pictures of Vanessa doing some amazing Yoga, we set up a time to go out up Provo Canyon and take some individual portrait shots. Vanessa brought her guitar along, and was brave (crazy?) enough to go up to the top of Bridal Veil Falls and pose for some shots right under the water! I loved the shoot, but she sure was cold afterward.... :)

To see the rest of her gallery, click here.

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Brooke's Bridals

Brooke was looking to expand her model portfolio, and since a lot of the modeling work around her is in the wedding business, she found a white dress and a veil and we went to work. We wandered around Provo for a while, and found some really fun backgrounds in some unlikely places.

To see more of Brooke's shoot, click here.

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I spent last week in Austin, TX and had the chance to do some photography. I grew up in Austin and love the culture there, so I was really excited to wander around downtown and find interesting background for this shoot. Ryan is a composer and needed photos for his website. He made some awesome faces! I was thinking about those "how are you feeling today" posters that had a different face for each emotion when I made this collage:

To see more photos of Ryan, visit his gallery.

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Hartley Family

Meredith contacted me a few months ago to schedule a photoshoot of her family and later of her family reunion. I happily accepted, and was pleased when I saw Meredith posting on Facebook before the shoot about how excited she was for me to take their photographs.

I ended up meeting them in Salt Lake at Liberty Park along with my great friend Matt Cobabe who was assisting me that day. It was a beautiful day and we were able to take pictures in this amazing garden nearby before finishing up around the pond in the park. Best of all? This is a great looking family, and their kids are ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE. :D

As I was editing through this shoot my husband Thomas was sitting next to me helping me out and after a couple close ups of the kids he said to me, "Wow, these kids are freakishly cute". I laughed, but I completely agree. Some of the biggest eyes I've ever seen, and they were just tons of fun to shoot.

Matt let their little boy play for a few minutes with his camera, and he was utterly fascinated by all the buttons.

I loved that this was the way she seemed to smile; almost every time she would grin and kind of twist her tongue out at me...

To see more of this super fun shoot, and more of THE CUTENESS click here.

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Brooke Model

3 reasons this was an awesome shoot:

1. The entire thing was at a storage unit facility. That's just awesome.
2. I didn't have to tell Brooke how to pose, so i could focus on the camera
3. Between her wardrobe and the backgrounds, we had almost every color in the rainbow!

To see more photos of Brooke, visit
her gallery.

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1st shoot at the new studio

What an adorable kid! We thought it'd be fun to get him in Dad's clothes for Father's Day (if any one is interested, a studio sitting is still only $50 - you get a full-resolution CD :D). It worked out really well to have him running around the studio room instead of outdoors because we could actually catch him. Every time Teagan posed he actually waited to hear the "Click" from the camera's shutter closing before he moved on. He knew exactly what was going on, and he LOVED the attention.

He was such a poser! I honestly did not pose him on this tricycle - he sat there, leaned back, and looked straight at us :)

To see more photos of Teagan, visit
his gallery.
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Virginia and Todd Engagements

This was such a neat shoot for me. It was actually the first time I've tried morning lighting instead of evening and it worked! We went to an area on the Provo river kind of by Cafe Rio, and there was so much to work with, really fun! Again, a good looking couple, happy to be together, and nice to be around.

To see more photos of Todd and Virginia, visit
their gallery.

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This is awesome younger brother, Geoff. We often tease him about being a poser and too camera friendly, but it certainly came in handy here! He was a great model and willing to try anything (including continuing to pose while neighbors just watched). These photos are taken just outside of Marble Falls in Texas.

Geoff was good about showing different expressions, but everyone knows him by his great smile:

To see more photos of Geoffrey, visit
his gallery.
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Nathan Wakeboarding

This is my older brother Nathan wakeboarding on Lake LBJ in Austin, TX. During this photo shoot, I realized why I love photography so much. Each one of these photographs immortalizes a moment that can never be repeated. Sure, Nate can do another jump, but it will never be quite like this one:

The other interesting thing about boating photos is how much the light changes. When we face one direction, Nate looks like a silhouette, but driving the other direction gives him a traditional portrait look.