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The most amazing shoot ever! Cyclists

Bobby and Joe are both bike racers. Taking these photos was such an amazing experience for me, as I saw the beautiful Utah mountains in a different light, worked with two talented cyclists, and was actually able to get nice photos in something I'd never done before. If I could get enough business, I would be happy to do cycling photos all summer! So if you know anyone that might like to hire me...

I'm don't think I can say anything else to give this shoot justice, so I'll let the photos do the talking now.

To see more photos, go to:
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Vanessa Yoga

I've done Yoga once, and I lasted 10 minutes. Seriously, it may not look that intensive of a workout, but I didn't have what it took. So, I have a lot of respect for Vanessa here. She's actually done this as a hobby devotedly for a while, and plans to get certified this summer to be an instructor.

I think the breathing in yoga is relaxing, but look at that first pose! Who knew you could balance like that? I'm baffled. But being the photographer was nice :)

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Announcing the Winners of the Free Wedding Contest!

My contest is complete!

AJ and Jeanne, getting married June 5
Elise and Mike, getting married August 1
will receive my photography free for their weddings this summer!

--Be sure to come back and see posts with photos from their engagements, bridals, and weddings!

Thanks to all who submitted. I loved reading your stories and hearing about so many happy couples.
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Katie Photographer

I recently decided to expand my portfolio to include a Action Photography and a Profession section. So I just posted on Craigslist not knowing what kind of responses I'd get. On my list for this upcoming shoots are: Massage Therapist, Cosmetology School, Road bike racing, yoga, kids skateboarding and playing soccer, and a runner/softball player. I'm really looking to having this experience as it's unlike anything else I've done. My first, and completed shoot, was actually of a photographer. It's a funny life as a photographer because you can't do photos for your wedding, difficult to do self-portraits, and though possible it's much easier to get another photographer to do family portraits for you. So we wandered around downtown Provo (if you can call it downtown...) and took pictures of each other. Worked out quite well.

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Singer/Songwriter Katherine Gee

Katherine is a dear friend of mine and has always been a performer. We did a couple musicals together in middle school, then created and ran a children's musical theater camp a couple years ago. She's now getting started in her journey of sharing her voice with the world. So I did a photoshoot for her (and labeled myself as her official photographer :D)

Halfway through our shoot, after we entered a stranger's yard and took pictures in front of their house, Katherine suddenly says "I know why you like photography, Whitney! It's because you now have an excuse to be mischievous and sneak around." So there you have it: my true motivation to be a photographer. It has nothing to do with the people or the art or the creativity. It's just an excuse to break the rules. I've always been the rebellious type.

The first song is called Sunshine and Rain. It'll be released on itunes in about a month. Look her up!
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Sydney's wedding reception

Some of you may not know that I'm part of a swing dancing community - more specifically, a Lindy Hop community. That, actually, is how I met my husband. We know Sydney from dancing, and were attending her receptions as guests but I couldn't leave my camera behind!

Then disaster struck. Seriously- the actual photographer's camera battery died. Right before they were going to cut the cake! I was so grateful I could be there to cover cutting the cake, their dance together, throwing bouquet etc. Because the official wedding photographer couldn't. So here's my plea: If anyone reading this plans to photograph a wedding, HAVE A BACKUP PLAN! Have an extra battery or an extra camera. Bring extra memory cards. We all know that mistakes happen, but you can't reschedule a wedding. I wish I had a picture of the look on this guy's face when he muttered "I guess you'll have to finish this reception". I pray I don't ever have to feel that way.

Moral of the story, be a boy scout. Be prepared.

Oh, and on a more important note, Congratulations to Sydney and Nick. :D
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Holly Dancer

Holly is an extremely talented dancer in many types of dance. We were looking specifically for a jazz extension pose that she could take to an audition. But we also played around with some of the other styles. The funny thing about this shoot was that we couldn't find a decent dance room or stage unoccupied as we were hoping to. Instead we ended up on a raquetball court. Worked out though :)

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Free Wedding Photography giveaway this summer!

I'm offering free wedding photography for two fun couples this summer. I'm looking for someone who likes my work, needs a wedding photographer, and is on a low budget. This includes engagements, bridals (or bride + groom) and 1 full day for your wedding. This does not include a wedding book. You get a CD with edited full resolution photos from all the events.

I'm doing this to help you out, and to expand my portfolio. There are no hidden fees. And besides, I think contests are fun.

First make sure your wedding date works - between May 7 and August 28. This is only free in Utah County or Salt Lake County. You must pay for travel if you'd like me to go outside this area.

Second, check out my website and make sure you like my style.
facebook - Whitney Palmer Lewis in the Provo, UT or BYU network

Third, send me an email
whitneylewisphotography (at) gmail (dot) com

I'm looking for a couple with personality, so please include:
1. Your wedding date
2. A short description of your story (how you met, your interests...)
3. any questions you have for me
I will base my decision on your emails.

I will choose 2 couples by April 25.

I look forward to hearing from you!
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2 Bridals

2 bridals this week - Monica and Amy. Monica had a neat Breakfast at Tiffany's style dress, so we found several buildings around Provo to take pictures at. I went up to Salt Lake with Amy because the weather was terrible. We started inside at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building. By the time we were done, the rain/snow had stopped!! So we were lucky enough to take some photos at the state capital and a park nearby.

To see more photos of Monica and Rhett, go to:

To see more photos of Amy, go to:

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3 engagments shoots

I did 3 engagement shoots in one week, and all of them were really fun! I liked having them so close together as it forced me to be more creative, making sure they didn't all look the same. I also got a better perspective for different dynamics between couples. And I was pleased with the results.

To see more photos of Kristi and Danny (above), go to:

To see more photos of Johnny and Jamie (above), go to:

To see more photos of Kori and Ren (below), go to: