
Hartley Pool Party

As promised, here's the post covering the second half of the Hartley Family reunion. This was a pool party/barbeque/birthday party at the grandparents' house in Orem. They had a great backyard and a wonderful pool, and it turned out that "Nana" teaches swimming lessons there for all ages, from super little to adult.

Thomas was actually up by now and so accompanied me on this shoot (he wasn't about to get up pre-sunrise to make it for the more formal shots). We played the paparazzi as the family ate and chatted, and then as the birthday girl was blowing out her candles and opening her gifts.

As they got into the pool we began to really have some fun. Some of the guys started tossing the kids to see how high they could get them, and despite the failing light we got some shots I absolutely loved!

...and the food was GREAT. :D

You should click here and look at the rest! :)


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