
Weber Reception

This was one of the best wedding receptions that I have attended; it was very laid-back, and best of all- it started super early so all of the classic reception stuff happened while there was still light enough outside not to need a flash!!!

I was extra excited about their wedding day because I had rented a new lens to try out before I bought it- the Nikon 70-200mm f/2.8. It was AWESOME! I must have this lens!! (now I just need to find $2000 lying around to afford it) :)

This was the first time I had eaten at the Lion House, and the honey butter on the rolls was truly sublime. Mike served a two-year mission in Hawaii, and so there was ham and pineapple, as well as shaved ice. The leis that everyone wore made for some great colorful photos.

To see some more from this reception, click here.


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