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The Blog Has MOVED!

Alright, well after much hard work by my wonderful husband Thomas our blog has been converted to wordpress and moved. We've moved it to our server at www.whitneylewisphotography.com/blog. Be sure and update your bookmarks, and if you haven't bookmarked my blog- here's your chance! :)

Let your friends know that any further updates will be found at www.whitneylewisphotography.com/blog. See you there!
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Alexis and Alan's Engagements

Utah Engagement Photography for Alan and Alexis around American Fork Utah

I met Alexis when she was a bridesmaid at Mike and Crystal's Wedding. It turned out that she was recently engaged, and I was able to take a few extra shots of Alan and Alexis at the reception. They decided they liked what they saw and asked me to shoot their wedding on Nov 20 in Bountiful. A little over a week ago we met up in American Fork to do their engagement pictures. We went to a park near Mt Timpanogos Temple and then found a couple places downtown that had some really fun backdrops.

They were great to work with, and I am looking forward to both shooting Alexis' bridals with fall colors and shooting their wedding in a couple months.

Utah Engagement Photography for Alan and Alexis around American Fork Utah

Utah Engagement Photography for Alan and Alexis around American Fork Utah

Utah Engagement Photography for Alan and Alexis around American Fork Utah

Utah Engagement Photography for Alan and Alexis around American Fork Utah

Utah Engagement Photography for Alan and Alexis around American Fork Utah

Utah Engagement Photography for Alan and Alexis around American Fork Utah

Utah Engagement Photography for Alan and Alexis around American Fork Utah

To see more of Alexis and Alan's photos, click here.

Utah Engagement Photography for Alan and Alexis around American Fork Utah
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Tyau Wedding

Utah Wedding Photography for Sarah and Jay Tyau at Mt Timpanogos Temple

Sarah and Jay were excited to get some Bride and Groom wedding pictures, as they didn't have the chance to have a professional photographer when they were married. They were sealed in the Mt Timpanogos Temple, and we had a good time getting some new shots I hadn't tried before. I was excited to get some more pictures from the field across the street from the temple; I had gone there for a previous bridal shoot, but it hadn't really occurred to me to take a couple there on their actual wedding day!

Sarah and Jay have two beautiful children, and I was absolutely amazed that she could still fit in her wedding dress! We also did some bridal pictures for Sarah- stay posted to see more.

Utah Wedding Photography for Sarah and Jay Tyau at Mt Timpanogos Temple

Utah Wedding Photography for Sarah and Jay Tyau at Mt Timpanogos Temple

Utah Wedding Photography for Sarah and Jay Tyau at Mt Timpanogos Temple

Utah Wedding Photography for Sarah and Jay Tyau at Mt Timpanogos Temple

Utah Wedding Photography for Sarah and Jay Tyau at Mt Timpanogos Temple

Utah Wedding Photography for Sarah and Jay Tyau at Mt Timpanogos Temple

Utah Wedding Photography for Sarah and Jay Tyau at Mt Timpanogos Temple

To see more of this utah wedding photography click here for their full gallery.

Utah Wedding Photography for Sarah and Jay Tyau at Mt Timpanogos Temple

Utah Wedding Photography for Sarah and Jay Tyau at Mt Timpanogos Temple
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Kelsey's Bridals

Last month Scott Myler was kind enough to let me come along as a second photographer/assistant on a bridal shoot he had planned in the Little Sahara. I was thrilled to be able to accompany them and pick up a bit more of Scott's technique. As we were driving down there, we got lost and I am so glad that we did! We ended up finding the most awesome place; it used to be a gas station and was full of broken-down vintage cars and had an amazing rope swing in a backyard next to it. And the backgrounds that the buildings made.... ooooh man. I was in heaven. We did eventually make it on out the sand dunes (and I am DEFINITELY going back), but the moral of this story? Never ask for directions- you never know when a wrong turn might be the exact one you need. Thanks Scott!

To see more click here.

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Jennifer's Bridals

A few weeks ago I met up extra early with Jennifer to get some bridal shots right after sunrise for her modeling portfolio. I was excited about this shoot as I had some extra props I had gotten recently, and because I was going to work with Beautiful You Makeup (www.beautifulyoumakeup.com) again. This time we were working with the other half of the partnership, Cali. Jennifer and Cali had to start working at 5am on hair and makeup to make the 6:30am shooting call, and I still don't know how they managed to do it! :)

My friend Matt Cobabe accompanied me again, and we had a lot of fun coming up with some new settings and ideas.

To see the rest of the gallery, click here.

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Weber Reception

This was one of the best wedding receptions that I have attended; it was very laid-back, and best of all- it started super early so all of the classic reception stuff happened while there was still light enough outside not to need a flash!!!

I was extra excited about their wedding day because I had rented a new lens to try out before I bought it- the Nikon 70-200mm f/2.8. It was AWESOME! I must have this lens!! (now I just need to find $2000 lying around to afford it) :)

This was the first time I had eaten at the Lion House, and the honey butter on the rolls was truly sublime. Mike served a two-year mission in Hawaii, and so there was ham and pineapple, as well as shaved ice. The leis that everyone wore made for some great colorful photos.

To see some more from this reception, click here.

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Carolyn's Bridals

A couple weeks ago my friend Carolyn was in town for a few days, and she asked me to do a bridal shoot of her (even though it was a few months after her wedding). We've been talking about doing a shoot together for a while, and this was the perfect opportunity, as she had her dress with a friend here in Salt Lake City.

For this shoot I paired up with Catherine from Beautiful You Makeup (www.beautifulyoumakeup.com) who did a wonderful job on Carolyn's hair and makeup before I met up with them. We ended up shooting at a private man-made lake near Catherine's house in West Jordan. We shot right up through sunset and even a little afterward using some of the studio lights I brought along.

Carolyn was a fantastic subject, and looked incredibly natural in front of the camera! I was extremely excited with how these turned out, and plan on using some of the techniques I used this time in future shoots.

If you want to see more (and I know you do!) click here.